There are hundreds of different foods that can help build muscle. But what if you had to pick only five foods that you could eat for the rest of your life? In that case, you’d want foods that could help cover many different nutritional needs so that you did not lose any precious muscle. Among those needs: Protein to help build and repair muscle and other tissues Fats to encourage proper hormones and reduce inflammation…
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31 Life Changing Useful Gadgets (Photos)
I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a gadget out there for literally everything. I mean, there’s already a gadget that lets you zip up a hoodie one-handed, and a self-turning ice cream cone, but did you know there’s a gadget that re-strings and re-threads your hoodie’s drawstring without a struggle? Yeah, you thought that $60 American Apparel hoodie was a lost cause, but not anymore thanks to this handy little gadget! And an under-desk…
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