Eid-ul-Azha History and How People Celebrates


Above mentioned term does not need any introduction but keeping in view the current situation I think Eid-Ul-Azha needs a proper introduction before we get down.

The very one thing that every human being loves the most is his offspring. Parents will shed the last drop of their blood to save their children. But if you dig deep in the history you will find an example of love, devotion and obedience of a father for His Lord.

Yes, you guessed it right, Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) was the one and the only one who bowed down to the orders of ALLAH ALMIGHTY to sacrifice His son Hazrat Ismail (A.S).

His willingness shows his love and devotion to His Lord. But this was a test to measure Hazrat Ibrahims loyalty and at the very moment when Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) was about to slaughter His son Hazrat Ismail (A.S). Hazrat Jibreel (A.S) showed up on the orders of ALLAH and replaced Hazrat Ismail (A.S) with a Lamb. The sharp knife then ran across the jugular vein of that lamb.

Since then ALLAH ALMIGHTY has made it mandatory for all Muslims to perform this ritual on every 10th of Zil Hajj.

How We Celebrate Eid-Ul-Azha

Keeping in mind the worth and real value of Eid-Ul-Azha now lets us see that how we celebrate Eid. This year Eid will be on 13th of September. The dawning of 13th September will be different for different people.

How Kids Enjoying on Eid-Ul-Azha

Pakistani children escort their animals bought ahead of Eid al-Adha in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Monday, Sept. 21, 2015. Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of the Sacrifice, is celebrated to commemorate the Prophet Ibrahim's faith in being willing to sacrifice his son. (AP Photo/B.K. Bangash)
Pakistani children escort their animals bought ahead of Eid al-Adha in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Monday, Sept. 21, 2015. Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of the Sacrifice, is celebrated to commemorate the Prophet Ibrahim’s faith in being willing to sacrifice his son. (AP Photo/B.K. Bangash)

Kids will be the one who will get the most from this Holy festival. They will enjoy like this is the last day to enjoy.

Wearing new clothes with latest fashion, pockets full with small but new currency notes. Male family members will be much busy soon after the Eid prayer and will remain busy till sunset but will enjoy for the rest of the two days. Females will spend their entire day in front of stoves cooking different dishes for their family. Poor people of the society will be happy because today they will taste a dish which they haven’t tasted for months.

People involved in the business of leather goods will be busy collecting skins to gear up their business. So, the bottom line is that individually we celebrate Eid but when it comes to community we are very much far from each other. The festival is now turning into a trend more then what it actually demands.

Our Sincerity and the Holy Festival

Not all of us. But most of us are no longer sincere to this Holy festival.

Despite of disposing the wastage and fat of the animals to proper or nominated places we just throw the garbage on sidewalks, roads and in grounds. We spend thousands of rupees on buying an animal but we sell its skin for some hundreds. We should actually give the skin to some trusted organization for ALMIGHTY’s sake.

What do they think and buying the expensive animal to showoff are the two main reasons why people follow this Holy festival. For youth now days this festival starts with social media activities and ends on social media by posting and sharing. Freezing meat is more important rather than distributing it to poor.

Our current situation is demanding the loyalty of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) and obedience of Hazrat Ismail (A.S) and what we are doing is that we posting Prisma edited pictures.

Please wake up until it’s too late…

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