Vitamin A: Vitamin A provides retinol and carotenoids and helps prevent old-age blindness in women. Vitamin A also works as a antioxidant agent, helping get rid of radicals so your body cells remain healthy. Vitamin A, among other vitamins is also known for improving immunity. Pumpkins, carrots, tomatoes, and fruits are rich with Vitamin A. Vitamin B: Vitamin B (including B6, B9, and B12 Vitamins) is an important vitamin for women. It helps in facilitating…
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8 Best Foods for Total Body Strength
Enhance muscular strength by piling your plate up with these superfoods. Strength Boost Strength is our body’s ability to exert physical force on objects — also known as being able to push through a heavy set. Following a progressive overload program is one way to boost muscular strength, but sometimes it can come from the food that you eat. Packing away enough calories, macros, and nutrients can help you muster up that extra strength you…
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