دنیا کے مالی طور پر دس بدترین حادثات

دنیا کے مالی طور پر دس بدترین حادثات

دنیا کی شروعاتی تاریخ سے ہی انسان کا ہمیشہ حادثات سے واسطہ پڑتا رہا ہے۔ بعض حادثات جلد انسانی ذہن سے محو ہو جاتے ہیں تاہم بعض حادثات کو انسان اپنی انتہائی کوشش کے باوجود ذہن سے کھرچ کر پھینکنے کی کوشش میں ناکام رہتا ہے۔ایسے ہی دس بدترین حادثات کی مختصر داستان آج اپنے دلچسپ معلومات پیج کے دوستوں کو بتاتے ہیں جو کہ مالی طور پر اتنے بڑے نقصانات کا باعث بنے جن…

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5 Smartphone Apps To Keep Your Home Organized

5 Smartphone Apps To Keep Your Home Organized

If your house looks like a mess then you surely need to attack it every day with a spot of cleaning. But, how do you keep track of things that need doing or are still left to do? Here are 5 best phone apps to keep your home organized and help you with your housekeeping nightmares. 1. Famjama Now, you can easily get organised with Famjama and stay connected with whatever device you and your…

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60 Most Powerful and Creative Public Awareness Ads (Photos)

60 Most Powerful and Creative Public Awareness Ads (Photos)

We’ve seen some great public service campaigns recently which made us wonder – why not do a post on the best ones in the last couple of years? We scoured the internet, filtered the not-so-great ones and came up with this list of 60 hard-hitting ads that deal with social, environmental, health and other issues. From ad school assignments to Cannes-winners, these powerful visuals do more than just spread the message. Check them out below….

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House Cleaning Hacks of the 21st Century

House Cleaning Hacks of the 21st Century

House Cleaning Hacks Of The 21st Century In our very busy day to day life, who has time to clean? It’s better to clean smarter rather than harder! Also, less time cleaning means more time relaxing and doing activities that you enjoy! Below is a list of ways that will help you achieve this goal: 1. Onion Grill Cleaner 2. Easy Blender Cleaner 3. The Vomit Picker Upper 4. The Broken Glass Magnet 5. Pillow…

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