20 Life-Changing Google Search Hacks (with Photos)

20 Life-Changing Google Search Hacks (with Photos)

Whether you’re desperately trying to save seconds off your search time or just want to simplify your life, Google has got you covered. The best part? You can do it all from their handy-dandy search bar, no annoying apps or plug-ins required. Here are 20 life-changing Google search hacks: 1. Find out what the weather is like without stepping outside Type in “weather” and your location to find out the forecast. Really, you could type…

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5 Smartphone Apps To Keep Your Home Organized

5 Smartphone Apps To Keep Your Home Organized

If your house looks like a mess then you surely need to attack it every day with a spot of cleaning. But, how do you keep track of things that need doing or are still left to do? Here are 5 best phone apps to keep your home organized and help you with your housekeeping nightmares. 1. Famjama Now, you can easily get organised with Famjama and stay connected with whatever device you and your…

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11 Best Websites To Download FREE Android Apps

11 Best Websites To Download FREE Android Apps

Android is an amazing platform and i fall for it when i first get in touch with it in 2011. There are many resources available for androids and Google the founder has a large repository called Google play where you can find almost anything you ever wanted to. But sometime we need to search for something out of the box and here we need resources other then Google play to help us get some where….

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