Indian forces killed another pakistani minor boy in Srinagar

Indian forces killed Pakistani Boy

SRINAGAR: Curfew stayed in drive in seven police headquarters since regions of possessed Srinagar on Saturday. First of all Taking after the death of a minor kid, who was harm amid conflicts among nonconformists and Indian security constrains in Safakadal region of the city.


Most of all agreeing the media reports, Junaid Ahmad an occupant of Saidpora. In Srinagar police hit the pellets outside his home. He surrender to his wounds in the wake of being admit to Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences.

Pakistani Boy Killed In Srinagar

This started boundless dissent in the city. Therefore he throws Nerve gas shells at the protestors who were yell mottos as his body was taken to be cover.


As a result More than 90 individuals have passed on and 10,000 harmed. Due to in conflicts between Indian security strengths and nonconformists since Hizbul Mujahideen administrator Burhan Wani’s executing in July.


In conclusion this is because the shutdown called by Hurriyat initiative entered its 92nd day on Saturday.

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