We all think that doing the things like we know, until now, and living our life in routine, is something perfect. Can you imagine that maybe everyday and the whole life you have been doing the things wrong. Just because we’ve been doing something one way for as long as we can remember, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the best way. There are some cool hacks that can help you rethink common activities while saving you time in the process. This can change your life forever. Check out bellow.
An easier way to cut a watermelon to get the most out of it – and to share with many
Wearing bobby pins. The wavy side goes down for maximum hold
Shining patent leather shoes. Instead of buying shoe polish and stuffing it in the back of a drawer where you’ll forget about it, use Windex!
Sleeping. Twisting up like a pretzel might be your usual habit. But you’re ruining your back! For maximum rest and support, try these pro sleep moves
Removing red wine stains
Using aluminum foil and plastic wrap
Eating an apple
Squeezing the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube. Instead of trying to do it with your bare hands, use a bobby pin!