Interesting facts about the Internet

Interesting facts about the Internet

Most of us can not imagine life without access to the internet for reasons ranging from social networking to doing projects and collecting information. But, while not all of us know about many interesting facts about the internet and its usage. The internet is a fascinating, wild, and phenomenal creation, and is undoubtedly the most marvelous of modern marvels. Back in the 1960’s, the internet was a military-funded experiment that sought to connect computers to…

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Some Interesting Facts about Pakistan

Some Interesting Facts about Pakistan

Pakistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South Asia. It is the world’s sixth-most populous country with a population of more than 207 million people. It is the 36th-largest country in the world in terms of area, covering 796,095 sq km (307,374 sq mi.) Let’s explore more about this country with the following facts.Some Interesting Facts about Pakistan ‘Islamic Republic of Pakistan’ is the official name of Pakistan. Pakistan is the…

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BREAKING: Youtube Officially Unblocked in Pakistan

BREAKING: Youtube Officially Unblocked in Pakistan

The Ministry of Information Technology on Monday arrange the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to issue orders to Internet Services Providers (ISPs) to unblock the site the nation over.

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Netflix is Coming to Pakistan!

Netflix is Coming to Pakistan!

As Netflix announced that it has expended to more than 60 countries, so it’s next stop is India and Pakistan!

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Snapchat is Not Better than Instagram

Snapchat is Not Better than Instagram

Snapchat is growing its network at a boom, but still there are some feature which snapchat needs to improve to compete with the giant of social media, Instagram, which is still a better and a bigger photo sharing platform.

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17 Secrets Hidden Across the Internet You May Not Have Ever Seen (Photos)

17 Secrets Hidden Across the Internet You May Not Have Ever Seen (Photos)

The internet is a truly amazing place, and it’s even more incredible when you start to find all the fun little things hidden on websites meant for you to find. 1. The Konami code is featured on plenty of websites, including some you might not expect it, like British Vogue 2. If you’re using Chrome and you can’t connect to the internet, you actually have a game built in. Just hit the space bar to…

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History of the Internet

History of the Internet

In the late 1950’s the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was founded in the United States with the primary focus of developing information technologies that could survive a nuclear attack. ( Networking the Nerds )In 1967 ARPA university and private sector contractors met with representatives of the Department of Defense to discuss possible protocols for sharing information via computers. In 1969, two years before the calculator was introduced to consumers ( History of the Internet…

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