Interesting facts about the Internet

Interesting facts about the Internet

Most of us can not imagine life without access to the internet for reasons ranging from social networking to doing projects and collecting information. But, while not all of us know about many interesting facts about the internet and its usage. The internet is a fascinating, wild, and phenomenal creation, and is undoubtedly the most marvelous of modern marvels. Back in the 1960’s, the internet was a military-funded experiment that sought to connect computers to…

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Cyber War Between India and Pakistan

Cyber War Between India and Pakistan

The war is just gone virtual between soldiers of both sides’ Cyber Army after the growth of tension across India Pakistan border. And it likely to become a horrific cyber war by ever passing days.   If we take a look in the past so we can observe that numerous cyber wars have been fought by cyber warriors of two countries over different issues.     Since 1947 the rivalry between these nuclear occupied countries…

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