Netflix is Coming to Pakistan!

Netflix is Coming to Pakistan!

As Netflix announced that it has expended to more than 60 countries, so it’s next stop is India and Pakistan!

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10 New Facebook Features That You May Not Have Noticed

10 New Facebook Features That You May Not Have Noticed

Facebook, the world’s top social network, has rolled out a slew of new features in the recent past. From allowing users to watch videos in 360-degree view to adding videos as profile pictures, these and many of the new features are aimed at improving user experience. Here’s are the 10 such Facebook features. 01. Gets Live Video Streaming Facebook too recently joined the streaming video fray. The social networking giant launched a new feature called…

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You Know What is the Difference Between 4G and LTE?

You Know What is the Difference Between 4G and LTE?

When you’re looking at buying a new phone, you might find that there are way too many acronyms to choose from, between CDMA, GSM, LTE, and WiMax, and the list goes on. Instead, it can be easier to focus simply on the differences in these networks as they apply to you directly. The simplest explanation is that the “G” in 4G stands for generation, because 4G is the fourth generation of mobile data technology, as…

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