Steroids and Their Side Effects

Steroids and Their Side Effects

What are Steroids? Steroids (also known as cortisone or corticosteroids) are chemicals (hormones) that occur naturally in the body. Steroids decrease inflammation, suppress the body’s immune system, block DNA from being made, as well as blocking a chemical called histamine (released during an allergic reaction). Steroid medicines are man-made but are similar to these natural hormones. The type of steroids used to treat disease are called corticosteroids. They are different to the anabolic steroids which…

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The Pineapple Enzyme Bromelain, Can Use to Prevent Cancer

The Pineapple Enzyme Bromelain, Can Use to Prevent Cancer

The enzyme bromelain, found in pineapple, is one of several natural foods you can use to prevent cancer, fight cancer if you have it, and minimize the effects of radiation therapy that often cause as much damage to healthy cells as they do to cancerous cells. Chemotherapy is the most common form of treatment for cancer in the United States. It has been used for the past four decades despite the fact that it ravages…

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Tips To Prevent Spring Allergies

Tips To Prevent Spring Allergies

As the cool, breezy winters come to an end, our eyes are eager to see the blooming spring colors. Those with a passion for gardening get all set to bring out their gardening tools and start working on their gardens again. Spring brings energy, positive vibes and a bugging desire to do something creatively innovative. In most households, the change of season means some thorough cleaning out, with people making sure that their wardrobes, store…

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John Cena’s World Champion Workout

John Cena’s World Champion Workout

Bulk Up like the previous WWE world heavy weight champion. John Cena is a WWE superstar who has become the new face of professional wrestling. After the exit of The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin, the WWE was in need of a charismatic new star who had the stage presence to match the two wrestlers turned actors. Cena came on the scene with an attitude all his own that both made him different from…

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پاؤں اور منہ کی بدبو کا دیسی علاج

پاؤں اور منہ کی بدبو کا دیسی علاج

بدبو منہ کی ہو یا پاؤں کی‘ آپ کے لئے کسی بھی محفل میں شرمندگی اور ارد گرد بیٹھے لوگوں کے لئے ناگواری کا باعث بنتی ہے۔ انسانی جسم پورے کا پورا بدبو پیدا نہیں کرتا بلکہ جسم کے کچھ خاص حصے ہوتے ہیں، جو ایسی صورت حال پیدا کر دیتے ہیں۔ پسینے کے باعث خصوصاً مردوں کے پیروں سے بہت زیادہ بدبو آتی ہے، کیوں کہ زیادہ تر مرد حضرات ہی بند جوتے پہنتے…

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13 Health Benefits of Cycling

13 Health Benefits of Cycling

Cycling is good for health. For one, it reduces death risks. In Denmark, a 15-year study associates cycling with a 40% reduction in mortality for both sexes over all ages (Archives of Internal Medicine, 2000). Basically, a person who cycles as a commuter consistently can expect, according to a report released in a 1986 issue of the American Journal of Public Health, to live longer than those who don’t. Cycling can also give you a…

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MUST READ: The 7 Dangerous Acts After Meal

MUST READ: The 7 Dangerous Acts After Meal

The 7 Dangerous Acts after meal are.. 1. Don’t Smoke Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher). 2. Don’t Eat Fruits Immediately When you eat your fruits with meals, the fruit is stuck in the stomach along with the contents of the meals and cannot reach the intestines in time. Lying there they get spoilt and spoil the remaining food in the…

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وزن گھٹانے کی آسان ترکیبیں

وزن گھٹانے کی آسان ترکیبیں

آج کل وزن گھٹانے کا رواج وبا کی طرح پھیل گیا ہے۔ کیا مرد اور کیا خواتین سبھی کو دبلا ہونے کی فکر ہے۔ اس سلسلے میں طرح طرح کے غذائی مرکبات، ادویات اور ورزشوں کے نت نئے طریقے رواج پا رہے ہیں۔ دبلے پن کے لیے تجویز کی جانے والی غذا کے بارے میں پورے وثوق سے دعویٰ کیا جاتا ہے کہ یہ وزن گھٹانے کا فوری، شرطیہ، یقینی اور بے ضرر ذریعہ ہے……

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5 Best Foods for Building Muscles

5 Best Foods for Building Muscles

1. Salmon When it comes to a great all-around food to build muscle, the trophy goes to salmon. It is loaded with protein and omega-3 fatty acids, two key nutrients to build and repair muscle tissue, and to keep your hunger in check. You can also cook salmon several different ways. Salmon is also rich in key nutrients, such as selenium, Vitamin D, B12, niacin and vitamin D. The list goes on with all of…

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12 Super Foods for Preventing Hair Loss

12 Super Foods for Preventing Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common ailment that a number of people face today, and it is really infuriating to see your hair strands in your hands every time you comb, shampoo, oil, or even on your pillow when you wake up in the morning. Healthy and nutritious food is the key to triumph over the problem of hair loss. The following article will tell you about some of the eatables that have been considered as…

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