کیا آپ جانتے ہیں کہ مہینوں [جنوری فروری وغیرہ] کے ناموں کا کیا مطلب ہے؟
آپ بچپن سے ہی انگریزی مہینوں کے نام سنتے، پڑھتے اور لکھتے آ رہے ہوں گے مگر کیا آپ بتا سکتے ہیں کہ ان مہینوں کے نام جنوری، فروری اور مارچ وغیرہ کیوں رکھے گئے اور ان الفاظ کا ماخذ کیا ہے؟ یقینا بہت سے لوگ اس سے واقف نہیں ہوں گے۔ آئیں آپ کو بتائیں۔ جنوری:۔ جنوری کا ماخذ ایک رومن دیوتا کا نام ”جانوس“ (Janus) ہے۔ یہ دروازوں، کسی بھی کام یا وقت…
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She Told Him Not To Do That, Amazing Magic Trick – Video
Khuda Ka Zikr Karay – Qari Waheed Zafar Qasmi (Naat) – Video
Rocket Man Hits 333 KM Per Hour On Bicycle, Breaks World Record – Video
20 Best Smart Phones in the World
New year? New phone. If you’re looking to start things off with a fresh device, here’s our ranking of the best phones you can buy. Note: All prices below indicate how much the phones typically cost without a carrier contract. Prices may vary depending on the retailer. 01. iPhone 6S The iPhone 6S is the best phone you can buy. In addition to beautiful hardware, iPhone owners are guaranteed to always get the best apps…
Read More11 Inspirational Ways Mankind Has Respected The Mother Nature
Our planet Earth is so lovely place with awesome nature and the most impressive natural creation. I love all these magnificent natural creations and i have always said that the nature is the most creative artist. But my friend how many times have you seen the mankind is destroying the nature for many reasons. Every day millions of trees are cutting and destroying for profit. But they are our life they give us oxygen to…
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Tips to Remove Makeup Stains
It’s happened to us at the worst possible time, either you’re running late and end up smudging your lipstick on your shirt or dropped your foundation on your carpet. Removing makeup stains can be extremely tough to remove. Regardless of where you’ve spilled or smudged your makeup, immediately removing it with oil will lift the color and prevent a tough stain. We’ve listed some tough stain removal tips to help you remove them. Don’t panic…
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