Guide to Healthy Fasting During Ramadan

Guide to Healthy Fasting During Ramadan

Don’t break your fast with a feast or you may put on weight instead of losing it. If you are not careful, food eaten during the pre-dawn and dusk meals can cause some weight gain. Dr. says feasting during the non-fasting hours can be unhealthy. He recommends approaching the fast with discipline, or an opportunity to lose weight and be healthier could be wasted. “The underlying message behind Ramadan is self-discipline and self-control,” he says….

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Sindh Handicrafts

Sindh Handicrafts

With striking color combinations, Traditional Embroideries, Exquisite Designs and Awesome Materials, Sindh Crafts continues to allure people whole exhibition the 5000-Year old tradition. Presenting the traditional Sindhi Craft with innovative style, “Promoting Indigenous Handicraft of Sindh” Ralli Asia has been known throughout history as a place that produced beautiful textiles. The art of producing cotton fabric was first perfected by the ancient South Asians as well as the processes of dying and printing fabric. The…

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Playing with Architecture in Munich (Photos)

Playing with Architecture in Munich (Photos)

Víctor Enrich ( Barcelona, February 20th, 1976 ). Born in a mid class family of both parents coming from the countryside was the only child for 21 years until his sister’s birth, Cristina, in 1997. Since very early years he manifests interest in music and starts receiving piano lessons even though as long as he grows up, geography, architecture and computers become the main pastimes after school. At the age of 18, he graduates and…

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12 Unexpected Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

12 Unexpected Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Water is essential to our survival. We’ve probably also all heard doctors say that drinking roughly eight glasses a day is ideal. However, what most people don’t know is that warm water and hot water have some exclusive benefits of their own that you just can’t get when you drink water cold. Here are 12 benefits of drinking hot water: 1. Weight Loss Hot water is great for maintaining a healthy metabolism, which is what…

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Minions, The Movie (2015)

Minions, The Movie (2015)

Short Description: RELEASE DATE: July 10, 2015 (3D/2D theaters) STUDIO: Universal Pictures DIRECTORS: Pierre Coffin, Kyle Balda MPAA RATING: PG (for action and rude humor) SCREENWRITER: Brian Lynch STARRING: Michael Keaton, Steve Coogan, Allison Janney, Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm GENRE: Comedy, Animation, Family DURATION: N/A COPYRIGHT HOLDER: N/A COPYRIGHT: N/A OFFICIAL WEBSITE: Trailer: Plot Summary: The story of Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment’s “Minions” begins at the dawn of time. Starting as single-celled yellow…

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20 Interesting And Creative Modern Bathroom Sinks (Photos)

20 Interesting And Creative Modern Bathroom Sinks (Photos)

The bathroom sink is no longer just a simple basin for washing our hands, it has become a style statement and designers all over the world come up with amazing ideas for them all the time. It’s no longer enough for it to just serve its purpose, it has to be modern and fancy and go well with the design of our bathroom. We want it to be beautiful to look at, unique and interesting….

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Two Easy Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Two Easy Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Losing belly fat is a hectic job and you would have tried several ways until now. But here are the relatively easy ways to lose belly fat. So let’s get started 1. Air Bicycle Crunches: Lie straight down on the floor in a ways that your legs touch straight to floor. Put palms of both hands under your head and lift them in a way that your right arm elbow touches your left knee and…

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Career Advice: 8 Crucial Career Tips To Follow

Career Advice: 8 Crucial Career Tips To Follow

Most of the times, people are accountable for building their own careers. Whether you are just starting, or you have many years of experience, the following career tips might help you progress your career. 1. Never Stop Learning Learning should be your keyword. The world is continuously varying, and everybody is struggling to attain a good status in the world. If you are firm that your existing skills are good enough then you have also…

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18 Meaningful Pictures That Show the Real Side of Pakistan (Photos)

18 Meaningful Pictures That Show the Real Side of Pakistan (Photos)

If you search for Pakistan, you will see a score of negative headlines related to tragic honor killings and terrorism. While these headlines have destroyed the image of the country, the reality is quite different. Here are 18 meaningful photos that show the other and the truer side of the coin. 1- We are a beautiful country with some of the last untouched lands in the world This is Deosai plateau in Gilgit-Baltistan, the second…

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