Pakistan has many awe-inspiring mysterious or haunted places waiting to be discovered and explored. From fierce fairies, restless spirits to haunted graveyards. There are several destinations in Pakistan that have an air of mystery about them. If you are into mysteries and myths, you will get a kick out of these bone-chilling, but terrifyingly beautiful places. Take a look! Koh-e-Chiltan: The name of the mountain Chiltan or Chehel-Tan actually means ‘forty bodies’, it has been…
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40 Simple and Genius Ideas That Will Make You Say WOW (Photos)
There are lot of awesome things in the world that we haven’t seen or even think of, that’s why we collected some of the coolest inventions and ideas that will make you say “Wow! Why haven’t i thought of that?” These things take cool to the next level. Continue reading to see these simple things but are totally genius! 1 | The Most Coolest Wheelchair in The World! 2 | How About A Scooter That…
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