Watch Twice! Still Looking Fake? You Will Be Shocked To Know That They Are 100% Real!

Watch Twice! Still Looking Fake? You Will Be Shocked To Know That They Are 100% Real!

Photo editing software programs have provided whole new dimension to create the pictures in the way you like. You can make you picture in whatever manner you want with these software. These images also seem like some photo-editing master has altered them but truth is none of them is edited and they are presented to you exactly how they looked through camera eyes. 1. Nyan Cat Flyover? This is the rainbow laser that is actually…

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Axact’s Official Response to the Defamatory Article

Axact’s Official Response to the Defamatory Article

Axact’s official response to an article published by New York Times reporter in collaboration with its local partner Express Media Group and some other media outlets to hurt the success of BOL(Express Media Group publishes International New York Times in Pakistan). This is regarding a defamatory article published by New York Times (NYT) regarding Axact. Axact condemns this story as baseless, substandard, maligning, defamatory, and based on false accusations and merely a figment of imagination…

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