The future is now… right? I mean, I’m still waiting for my hoverboard, but these inventions are all proof that we are definitely living in the future. From insanely clever to just a little bit bizarre, these inventions are all seriously futuristic. 1. Control your electronics with your gestures Use the force, Luke. Or, if you’re not a Jedi, use Myo’s Gesture Control Armband. Your muscles wirelessly control your electronics! 2. Translate signs with an…
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Watch Twice! Still Looking Fake? You Will Be Shocked To Know That They Are 100% Real!
Photo editing software programs have provided whole new dimension to create the pictures in the way you like. You can make you picture in whatever manner you want with these software. These images also seem like some photo-editing master has altered them but truth is none of them is edited and they are presented to you exactly how they looked through camera eyes. 1. Nyan Cat Flyover? This is the rainbow laser that is actually…
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