Marvia Malik. Anchored her first show on private broadcaster Kohinoor TV on Friday (local time). After three months of training.
Pakistani news channel hires country’s first transgender anchor
She told the BBC. when she was offered the job She was moved to tears.
“The dream that, I saw for myself, I was able to climb, on the first stair, to achieving it.” Said MS, Malik.
Ms. Malik, a journalism graduate, She also worked as a model, Ms. Malik said She hoped her work would improve, the lives of Pakistan’s transgender community.
“Our community should be treated, equally and, there must not be any gender discrimination.” Said MS, Malik.
Furthermore, Ms. Malik said “We should be given equal rights, and be considered, ordinary citizens, instead of third-gender”.
Furthermore Ms. Malik, has gained attention on social media. Since Malik was seen on Kohinoor News, with many posting, in support of Malik “shattering the glass ceiling”.
Also One of the user tweeted “Visibility is powerful,”.
Pakistani, news, channel, hires, country’s, first, transgender, anchor.
Earlier, while this month. Pakistan’s Senate voted, to support a bill protecting, the rights of transgender people, and allowing people to determine their own gender identity.