Ladyfinger Peak

Ladyfinger Peak or Bublimating, Bubli Motin, Bublimotin is a distinctive rock spire in the Batura Muztagh, the westernmost subrange of the Karakoram range in Pakistan. It lies on the southwest ridge of the Ultra Sar massif, the most southeasterly of the major groups of the Batura Muztagh. The whole massif rises precipitously above the Hunza Valley to the southeast. Bublimotin, while having little prominence above the saddle with nearby Hunza Peak, is particularly notable for being a sharp, relatively snowless rock spire among snow peaks. This, combined with its height above the valley, makes it quite eye-catching; hence the distinctive name. It provides a 600 m (1830 ft) rock climb (with a very serious alpine approach) and has been the scene of some notable paragliding.

Ladyfinger Peak

Ladyfinger Peak

How to reach?

Via the Karakoram Highway.

Hunza is just 100 KM drive from Gilgit, and most people arrive by road and it takes almost 2 – 3 Hours to reach Hunza from Gilgit. The main bus stand is on the KKH Aliabad. There are booking agents in town for long distance buses & jeeps along the KKH. The journey from Islamabad can take as long as 24 hours.

From Kashgar (China) there is a regular bus service to Hunza via Sost crossing over the Khunjerab Pass (about 5000 meter high). Across river Hunza at Sost, there is a village called Khuda Abad. People usually do not stop at Khunjerab Pass, they just carry on their journey to Sost with the bus. From Sost, you can do a number of activities around like trekking in the valleys, or drive to Hunza-Karimabad (2 hours), where the Baltit Fort is standing. The Khunjerab Pass is open from May 1st to Dec 30th, but closed in winter.

Ladyfinger Peak

Flights between Islamabad and Gilgit

Gilgit has an airport, providing daily flights to Islamabad, punctuated only by adverse weather conditions. Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flies 12 weekly flights between Gilgit and Islamabad and the flight is one of the most scenic flights of the world as its route passes over Nanga Parbat and the mountain’s peak is higher than the aircraft’s cruising altitude. These flights, however, are subject to the clearance of weather and in winters, flights are often delayed by several days.

Airport Type – Public

Elevation – 4,781 ft (1,457 m)

Length – 5,400 ft (Asphalt) 983 ft (Concrete)

Coordinates – 35?55’07″N, 4?20’01″E

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