Motorway Lahore-Islamabad Closed for ‘High Mark’ PAF Exercise

Motorway Lahore-Islamabad Closed for ‘High Mark’ PAF Exercise

High Mark Exercises “High Mark” is the Pakistan Air Force’s largest and most comprehensive exercise and is held about every five years. The last exercise lasted for 40 days and covered air defenses across the entire country. Recently it has included army and naval units. The High Mark drill is the most inclusive exercise done by Pakistan Air Force after every five years and it should be noted that the last exercise was held in…

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‘THUNDER FROM BEYOND’ – JF 17 Thunder (Promotional Documentary) Video

‘THUNDER FROM BEYOND’ – JF 17 Thunder (Promotional Documentary) Video
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Song Dedicated to “SHERDILS” (PAF Aerobatics Team)

Song Dedicated to “SHERDILS” (PAF Aerobatics Team)

‘Sherdils’ – The romantic aura surrounding the Pakistan Air Force Aerobatics team is something real and exalting. Team work is the hall-mark of ‘Sherdils’. Precise flying, sharp reflexes and sheer hard work go into each sortie. A ‘Sherdils’ display depicts mastery of machine, mental strength, over space, time and life itself. PULL UP, PULL UP, PULL UP – NOW. Pakistan Air Force Zindabad. Pakistan Hamesha Paindabad

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