World’s Largest Umbrella being Installed in Makkah Masjid-Al-Haram

World’s Largest Umbrella being Installed in Makkah Masjid-Al-Haram

Work started on Thursday for the installation of the world’s largest folding umbrella in the northern courtyard of the Grand Mosque in Makkah. This is the first of the eight high-tech giant umbrellas and 54 small ones to be installed in the Grand Mosque in the coming six months. Being manufactured in Germany, each canopy will consist of a giant clock, screens of guidelines for worshippers, air-conditioners, and surveillance cameras. Each umbrella will have a…

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7 Things That Will Surprise You About Muhammad (PBUH)

7 Things That Will Surprise You About Muhammad (PBUH)

yet most of us have little real sense of the man himself. A favorite question of those asking about my new book, “The First Muslim,” is thus what surprised me most in my research. Or rather, what might surprise them. Here’s a shortlist: 1. Muhammad (PBUH) was born an orphan. His father died without knowing he had a son, and Muhammad was farmed out to Beduin foster parents for the first five years of his…

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